I am an Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Western Carolina University. My interests lie at the intersection of environmental science and analytical chemistry. I develop instruments and methods that help us better understand the natural world and our effects on it. To learn more, please see my CV or feel free to get in touch!
Design and automation of chemical instrumentation
Environmental chemistry and analysis
Cavity enhanced spectroscopy (including cavity ringdown)
Photoacoustic spectroscopy
Measurement of atmospheric and atmospherically relevant aerosols
I usually respond quickly to email, and I always welcome students to drop by my office with questions. If you prefer to make an appointment, you may do so via Calendly.
Additional contact information can be found on my Western faculty page.
I am also available to consult on instrument design and development, provide guidance related to scientific design and communication, and to conduct routine analytical services as Tsuga Scientific. If you'd like to discuss these services please email al@tsugascientific.com.